Welcome to the

The new kcmadata.com dashboard will allow you to access the Trend of Business program as well as other surveys KCMA may be conducting during the year. Since all data is confidential, only “authorized” users will have access to the TOB or individual KCMA surveys.

IMPORTANT: if you are an active user of the TOB program, your email and password should already be in our system. In addition, if you are on our list of users for a survey, your email and password will give you access to the active surveys as well.

If you do not know or already have a KCMA DATA password, please click on the “I don’t know my password” and the system will send you a link to set your password. Once you set your password, you can use it to access TOB and/or the active surveys on the site.

If you are interested in participating in a particular survey and are not on our current authorized user list, you can email or call AIM at [email protected] or 847-358-8558.
